Now Accepting Full-Time & Occasional Vendor Requests For The 2019 Season.
~No Vendor Fees~
Map This
Calabogie Community Centre, 574 Mill Rd.
Calabogie, ON
(Under the roof of the ice rink)
Natalie at (613-899-3650)
Johnny at (343-998-8654)
Open every Saturday from 9:00am to 1:00 pm.
Starting June 1st to Sept. 28th
The market is a vibrant place to share music with great vendors and event days. The music aspect will be hosted by MUSICAL MAYHEM. – Open Jam Band. It is a open jam and open mic format hosted by local musicians who range from beginners to old hands. Anyone that wants to play, sing or just provide rhythm support is welcome to participate. Bring your acoustic instruments and favourite songs along and join in the fun.. All music should be acoustic (we have limited access to power at the market ) and appropriate for an all ages event. Thank you and hope to have you out to share in the festivities.
Volunteering is a great way to get involved and help develop The Calabogie Summer Market, a strong community network that helps local business, organisations, artist, local food system and much more. There are a ton of opportunities to volunteer at The Calabogie Summer Market.